The Role of Trust in the Integrity of a Paradigm
How blockchain technology has the potential to liberate collective consciousness through guaranteeing communication and information security inherently through its structural design.
In brief: the structural integrity of Blockchain technology has the potential to restore public trust in information transactions, empowering our species across the board.
Let's enjoy considering blockchain technology through the lens of communication and information integrity.
My interest in blockchain technology has to do with the conceptual and material implications of our relationship with communication and truth - i.e., our ability to assess our level of trust regarding information and each other. We may consider the role of trust as a force of integrity, explored in the centralization and decentralization of information and belief systems within paradigms, and by proxy, our neuro-circuitry.
From cultural frameworks to quantum models to data storage systems, the integrity of a paradigm determines the strength of its structure. Structural integrity is strengthening to any system, as coherence is created by any structure founded on truth.
Communication is a code that shapes our experience of information and therefore reality.
Communication is cognition.
The way we communicate shapes our neurological structures, and our thinking shapes our experience - the way we interact with each other and with phenomena. Our word is our bond - it bonds our neurocircuitry according to our relationship with communication and information, which through neuro-plasticity evolves as new information and communication models emerge.
Communication is culture.
By shaping our neurology, communication also shapes cultural reality. Communication shape belief structures which influence our behaviour patterns and by proxy the quality of our interactions with people and life in general. From this culture is created through intentional and arbitrary communication, information, and behaviour cycles - aka programming and behavioural science.
Therefore, Cognition is culture.
Our cultural architecture is mirrored by our consciousness. The paradigm through which we live influences the structure of our neurology and vice versa.
Communication is fundamentally designed to establish understanding between parties. Understanding is key to creating consensus, and by proxy, trust. As we grow in understanding of each other, we can discern our level of trust with the integrity of, and our synergy with, the other’s information system.
Trust is a basic human need - the foundation of all relationships on every scale. We are social beings with the desire to trust each other in order to live in coherence. When we can trust, we are empowered by the freedom and order that comes with it. Our personal, collective and cultural health and well-being is naturally amplified.
THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TRUTH AND HEALTH (cognitive and physical integrity)
Our relationship with truth determines our relationship with life. Truth keeps us tuned in harmony, while lies are dissonant.
Our neuro-programming helps us operate in life. When its structure is built on truth, our survival is optimized, for our behaviour aligns with the integrity of nature and we stay healthy. Truth creates natural order within us - it is and it amplifies coherence. Commitment to our personal truth and to the highest collective truth leads to fundamental integration. It elevates our consciousness, heals relationships, optimizes the flow of our structures, and enhances results across the board. Authenticity keeps us tuned harmoniously to reality keeping us healthy and thriving in body, mind, and heart.
Conversely, lies are by nature dissonant. Lies corrupt our relationship with language, which is the tool we use to communicate with each other and interface with the world. When we lie, it distorts our ability to discern truth neurologically. Lying and acting against one’s truth puts the brain and body under chronic stress which leads to illness and premature aging. What a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive - from our neurological web of wiring, to the architecture of our collective framing and cultural values. Falsity tangles, while truth weaves our relationship as individuals and as a species with the golden clarity of fundamental reality. Even on the quantum level, truth keeps us in the integrity of quantum alignment. When the corruption is corrected, the falsity realized and amended, authentic living chosen, then harmony in the neurological structure is restored, evidence by improved cognitive functioning, overall health and well being.
Our collective relationship with truth is directly related to the integrity of our cultural framework and our neurological wiring.
Culture is continually shaped through our dynamic consensus of truth, our relationship to it, the interactions we have around it, and the actions we take an account of it.
When we trust information, it becomes part of our conceptual framework of reality. Collectively, the information we trust most, and the sources of that information, become the core foundation and essential shapers of our frame of reference and function. Our overall consensus regarding truth creates the framework of our paradigm. All paradigm changes are related to discovery and innovation - as our thinking evolves, so does our assessment of information and our culture at large. The health of a brain and of a culture may be measured in its plasticity to respond to new information with adaptive sophistication rather than to treat new information as a threat. Adaptive systems always have more longevity than closed systems.
When we concede around a truth within an open system, collectively we are strong.
When we conceded around misinformation within a closed system, society collapses.
Decentralized information systems within a culture create the opportunity for consensus based on information we can trust.
While centralization and decentralization exist on a complex spectrum, these extremes are considered for theoretical purposes. Different degrees are appropriate for different circumstances.
Centralization and closed information systems.
As information systems become centralized, it is hard to keep the system open. They inherently become less trustworthy, as there is increasing opportunity for natural subjectivity and biased agenda to interfere with its integrity. Centralized information is highly curated and controlled by few, so more easily manipulated, as there is less accountability for miscommunication and misinformation.
Falsities are circuit breakers. They lack structural integrity and when they are discovered and exposed, their structures collapse. Falsities at the core of a framework may collapse the structural integrity of a system to the point of paradigm change. When trust is broken at a deep level, society cannot withstand the trauma and the culture inevitably shifts dramatically. On a micro scale when lies are identified, the innocence of the relationship is compromised, and mistrust grows until retribution is made otherwise the relationship falls through those cracks. On a macro scale, when a culture compromises their relationship with central truths, information wars tear it apart, over time it will self-implode.
Decentralized and open information systems.
Decentralization creates the context for information systems to remain open - it is inherently transparent, objective, accurate. Decentralization allows for consensus without hierarchy - information is accessed and assessed by anyone. It is flexible and accountable - it remains open to allow for the integration of emergent information without bias, prejudice, or agenda, while maintaining a clear record of the past. Collective agreement is made on dynamic certainties, which allow us to evolve as we grow around a cohesive and coherent structure. Decentralized information allows for a living relationship with truth in time. If a society were to base itself around decentralized truth, it would purify it’s relationship with information, restore integrity to the cultural architecture, and liberate the collective consciousness in great capacity.
In reality, decentralization makes sense according to the structural integrity of a system.
Blockchain is the potential to shift our relationship with information as a collective and liberate the collective consciousness.
We are in the digital age, often referred to as the age of information. We are in the midst of intense shifts of how we personally and collectively relate to information. The digital world is a key player and catalyst in the current spectrum shifts of centralized and decentralized information. Blockchain technology may be to society what truth is for our brains and bodies. It is a technological development that satisfies the primary human need for the structural integrity that comes with truth.
While there are many ways to establish trust, Blockchain technology is a solution to restore social trust structurally, empowering everyone. Truthfulness, accuracy, and accountability are built in to the data structure. By nature, information that exists on the Blockchain is simply guaranteed to have integrity. We can trust it.
BC guarantees integrity, honesty, accountability through:
fidelity - exactness and privacy of data is maintained
permanency - information and history cannot be compromised (edited, altered, nor deleted),
security - redundancy ensure information cannot be compromised
transparency - visible and accessible to everyone
objective - no bias shades this information for you
efficiency - sets up conditions for fair, real-time transactions
The security measures inherent in it’s function eliminate the possibility of a broad scope of miscommunication, misinformation, and misunderstanding. Blockchain technology prevents intended and unintended malpractice. Blockchain denies the participation of anyone who would take advantage of innocence. Attempts at misinformation do not go unnoticed, and tampering is exposed as illegitimate in real-time. This removes “he-said, she-said” dynamics from the frame of possibility, as well as concern regard accuracy or suspicion regarding bias.
This technology generates trust by securing truth in transaction without the need for a third party, securing a win for everyone involved. By creating conditions of trust, it raises the quality of our communication and information transactions, and this adds value to all of our lives.
Applications - coordination, transaction, and record keeping of all kinds including
Project coordination
Smart contracts
Financial transactions
Legal contracts
State identifications
Product inventory
Tokenization of assets
Censorship resistance
I agree that blockchain technology may be one of the finest mechanisms of systemic change.
My interest here begins in the theoretical, and flows towards fundamental humanitarian implications at every level of cultural life. Personally and professionally we all benefit from interacting at this level.
Revelation 13:17
This article provides a visionary cognitive foundation for further work within the decentralization movement, for you, for me, and for others. As example, it is possible to take any major world issue from the media and "catch it" within the net/framework of your written interconnections between the need for factual truth and consensus mechanisms, and then space it out into a corresponding sequence of actions to be taken for transforming the existing paradigm into something that works for the future thriving of life on the planet. At least theoretically at first. Kind of like a security audit, to assess and locate the treasures, the assets, risks, vulnerabilities and threat models such as possible attack vectors. For as long as we…